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Loch Goil Forest is located around the village of Lochgoilhead in the Cowal Peninsula, within the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park. The total plan area occupies 4119ha of coniferous forest, broadleaved woodland and open hill.

This is a 5-year plan developed to undertake a structured removal of Larch spp. from the Loch Goil plan area to minimise the spread of Phytophthora ramorum. It succeeds the plan approved in 2010. Loch Goil Forest has been severely affected by P.ramorum infection in Larch spp., resulting in numerous Statutory Plant Health Notices (SPHN) which has and will necessitate widespread felling. The intention is to create a robust plan to remove Larch spp. from Loch Goil Forest and establish the permission to carry out this work, both in response to SPHNs already served and proactively in the remaining forest. A revised 10 year plan will be produced to succeed this one which will cover the future forest in greater detail.


The plan area is centred around the village of Lochgoilhead at Ordnance Survey grid reference NN 199 016. A location map can be found in the link below.


Initial communications around this plan first took place in July 2022, with a public drop-in event held in Lochgoilhead Village Hall highlighting the spread of Phytophthora ramorum and the forest management solutions that would result from this. Draft proposals were produced ready for wider and more detailed consultation with stakeholders, which took place between 3 April 2024 and 2 May 2024.

Following this consultation period, a final draft plan has been produced taking into consideration comments and feedback received. This final draft has now been submitted to Scottish Forestry (Perth and Argyll Conservancy) for comment as of 27 January 2025, following which it will be placed on the Scottish Forestry Public Register for 28 days for final consultation. 

Documents and maps

Draft plan documentation to be used during this consultation period can be found at the links below.


Appendices to the plan



These illustrate felling sequence and future restocking/habitats from key viewpoints. The locations of viewpoints are indicated in Map M01.

Get in touch

For further information or to submit comments please contact:

Post: Central Region, Aberfoyle Office, Aberfoyle FK8 3UX