What we're doing
Scotland’s forests and land are key in fighting the impact of the Climate Emergency and biodiversity loss. We’re already adapting how we work, but there are more opportunities to take action across our forests and land. And only by putting nature at the heart of our actions can we truly make a difference. To do this, we're using nature-based solutions and ensuring that biodiversity is a focus in everything we do. We manage 9% of Scotland: our work will go a long way to creating a sustainable country and reaching Net Zero.
What is Biodiversity?
What is Net Zero?
The full plan
Our Climate Change Plan sets out how we currently work to mitigate the effects of the Climate Emergency, and what we plan to do in the future. The plan is available to download at:
Our work for the climate
The full plan
Our Climate Change Plan sets out how we are currently taking climate change action.
The plan is available to download at: