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This is a new plan synchronising our management of Barhill (~83 Ha) and Nethercroy (~122 Ha) within a single 10-year plan. These woodlands serve as an important area within Central Region for recreation, conservation, landscape and heritage. The area includes The John Muir Way, various priority habitats and species within the forest such as Great Crested Newts and Ancient Semi-Natural Woodland, a local landscape designation, and not least the Antonine Wall World Heritage Site running through the woodlands. The woodlands are predominantly broadleaves where the preferred management of these areas has been for conservation with large areas given over to Minimum Intervention and Natural Reserves. Our proposals continue managing for this objective although some areas of production are proposed, driven by tree health concerns over larch species.

Plan summary (PDF)

Timeline of the plan

  • Winter 2020– Site survey, site analysis.
  • Spring 2021 – Creation of design concept for the woodland including social, silvicultural and conservation aims.
  • Summer 2021 – Consultation with local community and other statutory stakeholders on a draft plan with a view to seek subsequent approval from Scottish Forestry. As part of the approval process, the plan was placed on Scottish Forestry’s public register for 28 days.
  • September 2021 – the plan received approval.

Documents and maps

Get in touch

If you would like to receive notification of further developments with the plan, please contact:

Planning Team
Forestry and Land Scotland
Five Sisters House
Five Sisters Business Park
West Calder
EH55 8PN
