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Forestry and Land Scotland are beginning the process of renewing their ten-year Land Management Plan (LMP) to determine future management proposals for the South Knapdale LMP, which comprises 4235ha of land within three forest blocks – Coulaghailtro, Torinturk and Meall Mhor.

The initial scoping stage analyses the issues and constraints to be considered for its management and proposes objectives and priorities, short and long term, which will inform the preparation of the LMP for the next 10 years.  

The LMP area is located in the upper third of the Kintyre peninsular. The area extends no further than the shores of West Loch Tarbert at its lower extent and Artillgan Cottage at its upper extent. The B8024 envelops the LMP area, linking it to Tarbert and the A83.

Commercial conifer production remains the prime objective in these forests whilst exploring opportunities to restructure both productive conifer species and age plus protection of Ancient Semi Natural Woodland (ASNW); restoration of Plantations on Ancient Woodlands Sites (PAWS) of high and medium ecological potential; establishment and strengthening of riparian broadleaved woodland; restoration of Atlantic rainforest areas; creation of woodland edge habitat; and restoration of peatland are also key objectives.


  1. Maintain sustainable quality timber production, while improving diversity in species and age structure to ensure full compliance with UKWAS and UKFS.
  2. Ensure management coupe sizes and shape relate to landscape characteristics and are maximised for felling, access and re-stocking efficiencies.
  3. Plan and construct cost effective operational access into currently inaccessible crops and for establishment success.
  4. Restore high and medium ecological potential Plantations on Ancient Woodlands Sites (PAWS) and protect and restore Ancient Semi Natural Woodland (ASNW) where appropriate to Atlantic rainforest through natural regeneration, and invasive and non-native species control.
  5. Encourage natural regeneration and successional development of native broadleaves in riprarian corridors and buffers; in addition to identifying appropriate management of open priority habitat.
  6. Provide opportunity for appropriate and effective deer management for suitable species establishment.
  7. Protect the Scheduled Monuments (SMs) and other sites of local heritage interests.
  8. Protect and enhance buffers to private water supplies and water catchment areas.
  9. Provide opportunity for appropriate and well managed integration with neighbouring landowners for a landscape scale approach to Atlantic rainforest.


  • Spring/summer 2024: site surveys
  • Summer 2024: scoping
  • Autumn 2024: initial community consultation on the scoping brief
  • Autumn 2024: design proposals
  • Winter 2024: preparation of draft LMP and further community and statutory consultation on the draft LMP
  • Spring 2025: submission of final draft LMP to Scottish Forestry for consideration

Documents and maps


Get in touch

If you would like further information or to speak to us directly, please contact:

Forestry and Land Scotland
PA31 8RS