Silver birch
Silver birch

Despite its graceful appearance, the silver birch is one of Britain’s hardiest trees. In the past its sacred properties made the birch useful for expelling evil spirits from delinquents.
A natural pioneer species, it seeds freely and is able to colonise open land with a preference for lowland. The silver birch - or Betula pendula - is found throughout the country on light, dry soils and is a valuable conservation species.
Facts and stats
- Lifespan: 120 years
- Height: Up to 24 metres tall with spreading lower branches and the rest pointing up.
- Leaves: Triangular, which turn yellow before falling.
- Bark: Its silvery-white upper bark is papery and peeling.
- Insect species it supports: 334
- Native to: Europe, North Africa and West Asia
- Uses: Its pale, smooth timber is a hardwood and silver birch timber is often used in plywood production, brush backs, toys and reels. On a lesser scale, the twigs are cut to make besom brooms and horse jumps.