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We are currently assessing the impact of Storm Eowyn across our forests and land. For your own safety please avoid visiting for now, particularly our trails in the south of Scotland. Thank you for your cooperation.

Forestry is a cycle . We plant, manage, thin and fell trees used to make all sorts of products – from timber and toilet roll, to fencing and kitchens. Then we start all over again. At the same time we make sure that we're also looking after wildlife, protecting the environment and providing access and facilities for people to enjoy the forests.

While forests are generally calm and quiet, when we need to thin or fell trees they become a hive of industry:

Forestry machines and vehicles

We've come a long way from axes and handsaws. Advances in technology have provided us with powerful machines to make our work fast and efficient:


Harvesters are large forest vehicles which cut down trees. These all-terrain machines have an articulated boom holding a harvester head. This is used to fell and strip the tree's branches, then cut them into logs, in one swift process. This is effortlessly done in just a few seconds – that’s how powerful they are.


Forwarders are large vehicles that pick up and carry logs from stump to roadside. They often work alongside a harvester during forestry operations. They use an articulated arm to lift the logs clear of the ground, and can carry loads between 12 and 20 tonnes.

Timber lorries

Getting logs from the forest to the mill is, perhaps surprisingly, a very difficult and dangerous job. Timber lorry drivers have lost their lives driving large loads through challenging conditions and the industry is making a huge effort to improve their safety.


Felling trees manually is one of the most dangerous jobs in forestry. At times it's claimed lives – but where machines can’t go, humans must. On tricky sites close to overhead power lines, or near roads and buildings, our highly-skilled operators fell using chainsaws, keeping work as safe as possible for the public.

Signs and safety

If you’re out in the forest, you may come across signs warning you of forestry works. Sometimes routes have to be closed or diverted. Please follow the signs to ensure your safety, and the safety of forestry workers.

Three posters apologising for forestry works