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The Finlas Land Management Unit, part of the Galloway Forest Park,  is located approximately 8 km south of Dalmellington, East Ayrshire.  The plan area totals 900 ha however only 350 ha, a mix of coniferous species and native broadleaves, are managed for forestry.  It is part of Scotland’s national forests and land owned by Scottish Ministers on behalf of the people of Scotland and managed by Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS).

The current Land Management Plan (2024 – 2034) identifies management objectives and sets out our operations for the next ten years.  The plan has been approved by Scottish Forestry.  The successful delivery of this plan will contribute to the objectives of Forestry and Land Scotland’s Corporate Plan, as well as the priorities, objectives and vision of Scotland’s Forestry Strategy.   The plan has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) and its supporting guidelines.  The UKFS is the benchmark for sustainable forestry practice, and the Scottish Government is committed to its use.

Long term vision

Carefully managed silvicultural interventions will sustain a healthy and productive coniferous woodland, and increased species diversity and age class will provide a range of ecosystem services including timber supply, greater habitat diversity, increased biodiversity and improved water quality.  The woodlands and open hillsides will continue to support and provide habitat for nationally important species such as Black Grouse and Red Squirrel. 

Broadleaf riparian zones will create important buffers to protect water quality of the Loch Finlas public water supply, the Garpel Burn and the Loch Doon SSSI.

The forest block will continue to offer access to local communities and visitors through informal walking and cycling trails and forest roads, and the core path on the eastern edge of the block. Silvicultural management will enhance the experience of time spent in the forest and associated wellbeing benefits.

Management objectives (next ten years)

  1. Management of plantation area within Loch Finlas catchment to protect water quality of the public water supply.  Enhance riparian and aquatic zones by restocking with native broadleaves and increasing open space.
  2. Maintain sustainable coniferous timber production.
  3. Enhance structural diversity of the woodlands and manage open hillside habitats, to benefit biodiversity and priority species (Black Grouse and Red Squirrels).
  4. Enhance visitor experience in the vicinity of recreation routes by increasing age and species diversity.

Summary of planned operations (next ten years)

  • Total plan area = 900 ha
  • Felling = 44.5 ha
  • Restocking = 44.5 ha
  • Forest roads = no new roads planned

Plan documents and maps

The full land management plan for Finlas (2024 to 2034) and supporting maps are available to download below.

Get in touch

If you would like further information, or have any questions, please contact:


Telephone: 0300 067 6900
