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The West Sutherland Land Management Plan (LMP) covers an area of 6684 ha. Forests included in the new West Sutherland LMP are located along the A837, in a beautiful area of western Sutherland renowned for it’s mountainous landscapes and geological interest. The River Oykel Special Area of Conservation lies at the heart of the forest and many of Scotland’s most iconic native species can be found here from Atlantic salmon to Golden and White Tailed eagles, osprey and otters.

Over the period of this plan we will begin land management restructuring on a landscape scale. Our vision is that by the end of the first decade much of the diseased and windblown forest of non-native conifers will have been removed. The first steps to restore over 1400 ha of blanket bog will have been completed, with trees removed and hydrology altered. Bog vegetation will be in the initial phases of recovery and over 450 ha of native riparian woodland will be establishing itself on the banks of the burns, rivers and lochs. Natural regeneration in the Einig Caledonian Forest Reserve will be turning to established woodland of pine, birch, aspen and rowan. We will see the establishment of the next rotation of smaller scale, mixed species productive coupes of conifers. Black grouse populations will be recovering and water quality will be improving.

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Get in touch

If you would like the detail of this plan, please contact:

Neil McInnes
Forestry and Land Scotland
The Links
Golspie Business Park
KW10 6UB
