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Taymount Wood and Five Mile Wood, Stanley: initial asset transfer request

West Stormont Woodland Group (WSWG) has submitted an asset transfer request to purchase 289 hectares of woodland near Stanley, Perthshire comprising 155 hectares known as Taymount Wood, north of Stanley, and 134 hectares known as Five Mile Wood, west of Stanley, as the focal point for a multitude of community-led activities to substantially enhance landscape ecology, improve and integrate access provision, and boost the local wellbeing economy.

On this page you can download and read all documents related to that initial application.

Documents and maps

Have your say

Anyone may make representations about this request to Forestry and Land Scotland. Representations must be in writing, preferably by email, and include the name and address of the person making it.

A copy of the representation will be given to the organisation making the request.

Representations must be made by Monday 20 February 2023 and should be sent to: 

Community Asset Transfer Manager, Forestry and Land Scotland, Apex 1, 99 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh, EH12 5HD
